The best restaurants in YOUR town, according to YOU!

Welcome to Awesome Eats - and More!

Find and Share the Awesomest Eateries, Right Here in the SF Bay Area!


Whether it’s in the fanciest sit-down restaurant, or while standing next to the truck it was cooked in, there’s nothing like eating a meal so good, your taste buds jump with joy.


We have thousands of amazing restaurants, eateries, cafes, food trucks, carts, and popups in the Bay Area. So many that finding the best ones can frustrate the most avid food-loving adventurers.

LOVE FINDING AWESOME EATS? will help you find the best  eateries of all kinds in the San Francisco Bay Area – according to your reviews. More, we’ll point you toward  upcoming events, especially the ones that have awesome eats on hand.


Tell everyone about your favorite Bay Area food establishments, so we can all enjoy their company for awhile…

Or, maybe, for several whiles!

This Week's Awesome Eats - San Francisco

This Week's Awesome Eats - East Bay

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This Week's Awesome Eats - South Bay/Peninsula

This Week's Awesome Eats - North Bay

This Week's Awesome Events

SF Bay Area Restaurant?

Don't keep it a SECRET!

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Click here to review your favorite Bay Area restaurants, and tell us why we should love them, too!


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This Week's Favorites